Franchise Consultant - The Real Reasons Why You Need One
If you've recently begun the process of finding a franchise business that is in alignment with your values, and if you're conducting this search alone, it's fair to say that you are at least partially, if not completely, overwhelmed.
Utilizing the internet in your search for the right opportunity can be a great place to find information on franchises. The downside to this approach, however, shows itself almost immediately. You'll quickly become frustrated with the incredible massive amount of information and franchise companies that you find, many whom you've never even heard of, and often times this results in more questions than answers. In addition, you may only be exposing yourself to possibilities that are listed on the first page or two of a Google search. Doing this could block you from many franchise "golden nuggets". Taking this approach is similar to attempting to buy or sell a home without the services of a realtor. It can work, but it will take much more time, effort, and research on your part, but even then, you are likely to never find the franchise business that is the best for you.
On the other hand, a professional franchise consultant can save you all of this aggravation by finding the perfect opportunity for you, at no charge, based on your interests, talents, and goals. Did you know that there are several thousand (at least) registered franchise businesses out there? Try researching even 1% of those options and see how long it takes to complete that exercise. A franchise consultant not only has already done this extensive research for you, but he also has key connections with hundreds of the best franchises available today that have been pre-screened and analyzed. The key advantage is that the agreements they do have are with solid, up and coming, or established franchise concepts that will meet the specific requirements of a potential franchise buyer.
In a nutshell, once you have a keen interest in a particular franchise shown to you, your consultant "takes you by the hand to the head of the class" and makes a professional introduction between you, the candidate, and the franchiser. You will be valued and respected by the franchiser immediately, not only based on the strong relationship between the franchisor and the consultant, but also because the consultant has pre-qualified and pre-screened you, deeming you a strong potential franchisee.
One of the most annoying and frustrating tasks the franchiser undertakes is the whirlwind of under-qualified, less-than-serious potential franchisees that they deal with. Imagine, if you will, the monumental task it would be to answer the phone several times each day from people who say "I want to buy a McDonald's. How much is it?" Not to mention the time involved in having to send out information packets to anyone that raises an eyebrow. A franchiser would need to create a full-time position just to handle this tedious job.
This is why the franchise consultant is so valued and respected by the franchiser. Only pre-qualified, serious candidates will be brought to the table. The franchiser is saved the time and money of having to undertake this task, and, therefore, he is willing to pay the consultant a fee if the candidate buys a franchise. A true win, win, win for all three parties. So, why wouldn't you utilize a franchise consultant?
Register for your Free Franchise Consultation. The Franchising Authority will help you find your perfect franchise!
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